The Creative Communities Fund

Having digitised and preserved the musical heritage related to the cult of St Leonard, Għaqda Mużikali San Leonardu has, during the third week of August, organised an Akkademja in the parish church of Kirkop to commemorate the 425th anniversary from the establishment of the parish.
To better commemorate this anniversary a delegation representing the Confrérie de Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat visited Kirkop and it brought over from France the holy relics of Saint Leonard. During the Akkademja, the Band was accompanied by the singing of traditional devotional hymns as well as the Antifona dedicated to St Leonard. The music played represents time-honoured hymns that for decades have captured Kirkop’s devotion towards Saint Leonard. The event was very well-attended.
The Band will proceed with recording it on a CD with the participation of a professional orchestra. This will offer the necessary tools to further improve the dissemination of this musical heritage.